

Ryuichi Ashizawa featured in Architectural Journal March 2018

建築ジャーナル2018年3月号 「進撃の建築家 開拓者たち」に 芦澤竜一が紹介されました。布野修司さんに批評頂いています。
Ryuichi Ashizawa has been featured in the Architectural Journal March, 2018
with feature title "Advanced Architecture Pioneer".



Ecotone Hotel and Factory in the Earth featured in AIJ Journal 2018

Ecotone Hotel Factory in the Earth 建築雑誌 増刊 作品選集 2018に掲載されました。

Ecotone Hotel and Factory in the Earth have been featured in Architectural Institute of Japan’s (AIJ) ‘Selected Architectural Design: Journal of Architecture and Building Sciences’ 2018.

作品選集 - edit Factory in the Earth final


Factory in the Earth featured in ‘Going Green with Vertical Landscapes’

Factory in the Earthは、Images Publishing(上海)「Going Green with Vertical Landscapes」に掲載されました。


Factory in the Earth has been featured in the book ‘Going Green with Vertical Landscapes’ by Images Publishing (Shanghai).

Going Green with Vertical Landscapes